
Server Memory - Redis

Jin-Co 2023. 5. 10. 15:13

Redis is a server memory that stores data with a key-value pair. It does not depend on the database so it takes the burden of having to manage the data and it is fast. In addition, compared to local storage, another option to store data without depending on a database, it gives us control over the data. Well, enough talking, let's get into it.

Why Do We Use It?

  • Fast
  • Control over the data
  • Persistence (Redis takes a snapshot of the data every other minute, so even if the server goes down, there is less risk of losing the data)
  • Option to set the expiry date

Setting Up the Project

Creating a WebAPI Project


How to create .NET web-API

Setting up development tools When working with .NET, we need tools to create a web application. We can download them at the link below. .NET | Free. Cross-platform. Open Source. ( .NET | Free. Cross-platform. Open Source. .NET is a developer

Installing Docker


Docker - Installation

To run your application globally, there are many things we have to set up from matching versions between each environment and configurations. Docket is a tool that allows us to manage the application in a container with all the necessary configurations. Do

Setting Up Redis

Download the file below and save it in the root of the project



    image: redis:latest
      - 6379:6379
    command: ["redis-server", "--appendonly", "yes"]
      - redis-data:/data

    image: rediscommander/redis-commander:latest
      - REDIS_HOSTS=local:redis:6379
      - HTTP_USER=root
      - HTTP_PASSWORD=secret
      - 8081:8081
      - redis  

Open the docker desktop and run the containers

Go to the editor and run the command below in the console

docker-compose up


Installing Packages

Open 'NugetGallary' and install the Redit package


Creating Environment Variables

Go to the 'appsettings' file and add a connection string for Redis to use as an environment variable

Setting Up Services

Go to the Program.cs file and add the Redis as a service

builder.Services.AddSingleton<IConnectionMultiplexer>(c =>
  var opt = ConfigurationOptions.Parse(builder.Configuration.GetConnectionString("Redis"));
  return ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(opt);

Using Redis

Let's see how we can use the Redis using the cart feature as an example

Creating Entities

Add a class to store the cart entity

Add ID and items as their properties. For the ID use the string type as this will be provided in the string type

Add another entity for items and add properties as you wish

Go back to the Cart entity and add a constructor. And initialize the item property with an empty list

Creating a Controller

Add a class to set up as a controller

Add a constructor and inject the Redis

▶ Cart List

public async Task<ActionResult<Basket>> GetBasket(string id)
  var data = await _db.StringGetAsync(id);
  var basket = data.IsNullOrEmpty ? null : JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Basket>(data);
  return basket ?? new Basket(id);

▶ Adding or Updating a Cart

public async Task<ActionResult<Basket>> UpdateBasket(Basket basket)
  var UpdatedBasket = await _db.StringSetAsync(basket.Id, JsonSerializer.Serialize(basket), TimeSpan.FromDays(10));

  if (UpdatedBasket) return null;

  return await GetBasket(basket.Id);

▶ Removing a Cart

public async Task DeleteBasket(string id)
  await _db.KeyDeleteAsync(id);


Move to the API folder

cd /API

And run the app


dotnet watch

Open the docker app and run the server

Open the Redis Commander to see the data

▶ Adding or Updating a Cart

▶ Cart List

▶ Removing a Cart

In this writing, we have seen how we can use Redis.

