After making a multi-lingual blog on tstory. I was looking for a way to improve search results for each content when I came across how to help Google to identify pages with the same content but in different languages.
The implementation is not hard. We just have to add link tags with 'rel="alternate"' on every page that is related. Insert the two-character language code for the 'lang_code' and the actual addresses for the 'URL'
<link rel="alternate" hreflang="lang_code" href="url" />
Let's see how we can actually do this with the multi-lingual blog on tstory. In the admin page, go to 'blog management' -> 'edit skin' -> 'HTML edit' -> 'HTML' then add link tags with 'rel="alternate"'
<link id="al-kr" rel="alternate" hreflang="kr" href="" />
<link id="al-en" rel="alternate" hreflang="en" href="" />
I omitted the address so that we can add the address dynamically for different pages not inserting each address on each page
Go to <body> tag and add the code that inserts the address dynamically below
if (document.querySelector('.lan-en-btn a')) {
document.getElementById('al-en').href = document.querySelector('.lan-en-btn a').href
document.getElementById('al-kr').href = document.querySelector('.lan-kr-btn a').href
How to Create a Multi-lingual Blog
tstory - Multilingual Blog
Completed Codes English Blog Code - Language Common Style .category_list>li:nth-of-type(even) { display: none; } Language Change ▶ Korean Post ▶ English Post ※ Note that the address for each post should be changed to a matching pair. Background When
구글 인덱싱
구글 검색
구글브라우저는 크라울러 (로봇)를 통해 지속적으로 사이트 정보를 수집하고 수집된 정보를 데이터베이스에 저장하는 인덱싱 단계를 거쳐 사용자가 정보를 검색할 때 연관된 사이트를 보여줍
In this writing, we have seen how we can optimize search results on Google for multi-lingual blogs.
페이지의 현지화된 버전 | Google 검색 센터 | 문서 | Google Developers
사이트맵 및 기타 방법을 사용하여 페이지의 다양한 언어 버전과 지역 버전을 모두 Google에 알리는 방법을 알아보세요.
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