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Springboot - Sending Emails Let's see how we can send emails with the Springboot application. Dependencies org.springframework.boot spring-boot-starter-mail Properties Open the application.properties file and add the properties shown below. Set the host and port depending on the kind of hosts that you want to use. Then add the sender email address and password. For gmail we have to use an app password which provides a bett..
Polymorphism In Object Oriented Programming, it is possible to use one interface to implement different types and this feature is called polymorphism. Think of it as a form that can take various values. So polymorphism is just a functionality that allows different values with one class. Runtime Type VS Compile-time Type Typing As mentioned polymorphism enables us to use one class to implement different value..
Method Overriding VS Overloading What is the difference between overriding and overloading in Java? Simply put the difference between them is that method overloading means when methods with the same name but different parameters are usually under one class while the method overriding is when a child class manipulates a method from its parent without changing any parameters. Overloading VS Overriding Common Happens when we manip..
java: error: release version 21 not supported This error occurs when there is a discrepancy between the Java compiler (JDK) version and the Maven file version. Java compiler version must be equal to or higher than the Maven version to avoid this error. One example that you might encounter this error would be when you create a project without checking the Java and packaging version as shown below If you see the error below when running the p..
Lombok In Object Oriented Programming, entities are used to pass data. Entities often have fields that specify the characteristics of the entity. It is best practice to use getters and setters to prevent the fields from getting changed directly but the problem is that the getters and setters are boilerplate codes that have nothing to do with the business logic to which effort should be put. Lombok is a..
Inheritance Inheritance is one of the advantages of Object Oriented Programming. It allows us to inherit the characters and actions from its parent and add its features to them if needed. One class can only inherit from one parent and if the parent has a parent the child can also inherit the characters and actions from the ancient. HTML 삽입 미리보기할 수 없는 소스
Class A class is a blueprint that describes the features and actions of an object in Object Oriented Programming hence it is referred to as a cookie cutter. A class has fields that define the features, methods for actions, and constructors to instantiate the class. The concept is the same across all the programming languages but how to use them differs so today we will see how we can use class in Java..
Switch Like if-else, the switch produces a result or runs a certain code based on conditions. Switch provides a better readability compared to if-else. Let's see the syntax of the switch in Java HTML 삽입 미리보기할 수 없는 소스
