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Web Development Tips/TStory

Tstory - Smooth rendering


When moving to another page or first loading a page, the page seems to pop up suddenly not smoothly link shown in the picture below. So I will show you how to render pages with minimum code that can be used on almost every website.

구현 전

In this example, I will implement the feature on the tstory(Korean blog platform).

Completed Code

If you want to know the code first here they are.

/* Type Selector Reset */
body {
	/* other styles */
	animation: smoothRendering 1s ease forwards;

@keyframes smoothRendering {
	from {opacity: 0;}
	to {opacity: 1;}


Add Styles to The Common Skin.

In the admin page, go to 'Edit skin' and select.

Click 'Edit html'

Then select 'CSS' and add the code below in the <body> tag.

body {
    animation: smoothRendering 1s ease forwards;

Add the animation style below (or anywhere after the body tag).

@keyframes smoothRendering {
    from {opacity: 0;}
    to {opacity: 1;}


Then click 'save' on the top right.

구현 후

That is it! I hope you like this smoothing feature.

