I had two blogs on the same subject but in different languages. In an attempt to make managing them easier. I added a multi-language feature in one blog which is using a platform called 'tstory'. After copying and pasting the multi-language function code manually whenever I created a post. I got to think that there might be a way to automize this process. I found 'form' on the admin page and thought that this might be it.
'Form' is a predefined structure you create to use whenever you need it.
Creating a Format
Creating a form is very easy. Go to the admin page. Click 'form management'
Then click 'write form' and create a form.
Let's See an Example
1. Creating a Form
Since I started to automize the process of creating a multi-language post, let's see how we can use form by creating forms for implementing multi-language blog codes.
When you click 'write form', you will realize the form is exactly the same as the post we write. So we just need to add 'HTML block' for this purpose.
We need two forms for the Korean post and the English post. Let's create an English form first.
Copy the codes (we have a code for changing language and another for the link) from the multilingual blog
Select the 'HTML block' on the menu and paste the codes from above. Then click 'complete' on the bottom right.
The same goes for the Korean form, open another form by selecting 'write form'. Copy the codes (the link code) from the multilingual blog
Paste the code using 'HTML block' again and click 'complete'
You will see them on the list.
2. How to Use It?
Click 'writing' to create a new post. Then you can select 'Format' and select one of the formats we created
Select one and it will be added like this
※ Note that we still need to manually change the things that are specific to a post. For example, for the link code, we have to change the address manually.
With the format, our life gets a little easier. Don't you think?
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