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Web Development Tips/Editors and Tools

Editors - Shortcuts (IntelliJ, VS Code)


When coding, most developers use editors such as VS, and IntelliJ because of the efficiency thanks to many features that an editor provides that can reduce repetitive work. In this post, I would like to introduce some of the shortcuts for features of the editors as knowing many shortcuts for features can boost efficiency one more level.

List of Contents


Function Keys Description
Global Text Search Ctrl + Shift + F Globally searches a text. You can use each first letter of a word compounded using camelcase.
Text Search Ctrl + F Searches a text in a file.
Method Search Ctrl + F12  Searches a method in a class
Global Search Shift + Shift Globally searches a text, class, file, etc.
Ctrl + Shift + A
Ctrl + N Globally searches a class
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + N Globally searches a text
Declaration of a Class of a Method Search Ctrl + Q Searches a class or a method declaration
Fix Search F2 Searches errors and warnings in a file



Function Keys Description
Open Project Tab Alt + 1 Opens and closes the project tab
Open Structure Tab Alt + 7 Opens and closes the structure tab that shows the class and its methods and global variables
Close Tab Shift + Escape
Closes a selected tab
Close File Tab Ctrl + F4 Closes the current working tab


Function Keys Description
Run(Debugging) Shift + F9  Runs the current file with debugging mode
Stop Debugging Ctrl + F2 Stops debugging
Run Shift + F10  Runs the current file
Ctrl + Shift + F10 Creates a configuration file and runs the current file
Test Code Ctrl + Shift + T Generates a test code
Error Fix Alt + Enter Shows error fix suggestions
Code Suggestions Ctrl + Space Shows available coding options such as methods
Auto Complete Ctrl + Shift + Enter  Adds ';' at the end of a code line to complete the code
Class Action Alt + Insert Shows a tab to create a constructor, properties, etc. in a class
Select (Expansion) Ctrl + W Select a scope wider and wider with each stroke
Select (Shrinkage) Ctrl + Shift + W 
Select a scope narrower and narrower with each stroke
Line Copy Ctrl + D
Copy a line above or below
Move Code Ctrl + Shift + Arrow  Moves a code line up and down
Expand Block Ctrl + + Expands a code block
Collapse Block Ctrl + - Collapses a code block
Expand All Block Ctrl + Shift + + Expands all code blocks
Collapse All Block Ctrl + Shift + - Collapses all code blocks
Multi Cursor Alt + J Selects multiple texts that are identical one by one
Change All Variables Shift + F6 Changes all the matching variables
Change All Text Ctrl + Shift + Alt + T Changes all the matching texts
Change a Text Ctrl + R Changes a matching text one by one
*F3: Next Occurrence
*Shift + F3: Previous Occurrence
Method Signature Ctrl + P  Shows method signature to add parameters for example
Method File Information Ctrl + Q
Shows the method information in a file
Method Definition Ctrl + Shift + I Opens the method definition
Method Tab Information Alt + F7
Opens the method details tab
* Right Click -> 'Pin Tab': To pin the tab

* Shift + Escape: Closes the tab
* Alt + 3: Opens the method detail tab
Method Used Ctrl + Shift + F7 Highlights all the place where the method is being used in a file
Child Method Ctrl + Alt + B Opens the implemented method
Super Method Ctrl + U Opens the super method
* To move between a super and a child method, you can also use the 'I' icon in the gutter
Inheritance Ctrl + H Opens the inheritance tab for a method
Entire Inheritance Ctrl + Shift + H Opens the entire inheritance tab for a method
Variable Information Ctrl + F1 Shows the variable information
Comment Ctrl + Slash Comments out or uncomments a line
Comment (Multi-line) Ctrl + Shift + Slash Comments out or uncomments a multi-line
Go to the Code Ctrl + Click Opens the declaration of a code
Show Recent Files Ctrl + E Shows recent files
Show Recent Codes Ctrl + Shift + E Shows recent codes
History   Shows the history, unlike Ctrl + Z, this can retrieve a code when there have been multiple changes
*Right Click -> Local History -> Show History
Creates For clause iter + Enter  


Function Keys Description
Recommendations Ctrl + Alt + Shift + T Shows a list of refactoring recommendations
Format Ctrl + Alt + L Formats codes automatically
Format Options Ctrl + Alt + Shift + L Opens the format option tab
Code Search Ctrl + B Search a code in a file one by one
Extract Variable Ctrl + Alt + V Extracts a variable from an expression
Extract Method Ctrl + Alt + M Extracts a method inside another method and creates a separate method

VS Code

Function Keys Description
Editor Search Ctrl + Shift + P Searches features
Search Ctrl + P Searches a file
Project Tab Focus Ctrl + Shift + E Move the focus to the project tab

Code Structure

Function Keys Description
Close File Tab Ctrl + F4 Closes the current working tab


Function Keys Description
Move Code Alt + Arrow Move a code up and down
Line Copy Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Copy a line above or below
Delete to Current Ctrl + Del Delete up until the current mouse position
Delete Line Shift + Del Delete the current line
Format Ctrl + Shift + F Formats codes automatically, formats will be different depending on the extension installed, and the format can be changed in settings
Multi-cursor All Ctrl + F2 Select all the matching texts
Multi-cursor Click Alt + Click Select multiple points with a click
Multi-cursor Text Ctrl + D Select a matching text one by one 
Font Size Up Ctrl + +  
Font Size Down Ctrl + -  

So far we have seen shortcuts for some of the popular editors that boost productivity further and I hope this is helpful.




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