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Web Development Tips

Style Library - Tailwind Tailwind is a style library that is similar to Bootstrap. It also uses class names to specify styles but the difference is that the structure of class names in Tailwind is similar to that of the native CSS style. So if you have knowledge of how to use CSS, then learning how to use Tailwind is rather easy. Setting Up Tailwind Run the command below in the project console npm install -D tailwindcss..
tstory - Multi-Lingual Blog (Book Club Skin) I have created a multi-lingual blog using the 'Poster' skin before and I realized that the code needed a little adjustment if it were to be used for other skins. In this writing, we will see how we can create a multi-lingual blog using 'Book Club' skin Completed Codes English Blog Code - Changing Language ▶ English Post Creating Buttons to Change Languages ▶ Korean Post ▶ English Post Analyzing ..
Visual Studio React Extensions Let's see some of the must-have React extensions for VS Code ES7+ React/Redux/React-Native snippets This extension allows us to create React code with minimum efforts using shortcuts HTML 삽입 미리보기할 수 없는 소스 HTML 삽입 미리보기할 수 없는 소스
Progressive Web App Progressive web app is a combination of web and native app. It allows users to use the pros of the two platforms and even work when there is no network available using service worker, cache, web storate, indexedDB. What make an application Progressive web app can defined as below: Responsive (Can be rendered on both web and mobile screens smoothly) Can work independently from the network. Able t..
Service Worker The Service worker is a script that runs on the browser. So whenever there is an out bound request to the server from the browser the service worker checks a cache history of the request and deals with the request by itself using the cache history. The service worker runs even when a user closes the tap meaning that it can recognize the next request form the users when they visit again. This all..
Asynchronous VS Synchronous Understanding the differences between Asynchronous and Synchronous models in programming is crucial. Synchronous, also referred to as a blocking-model or single-thread operation, handles things in order so when a task is handled other tasks have to wait their turn. On the other hand, Asynchronous, non-blocking-model or multi-thread operation, handles thing independently allowing multiple tasks a..
tstory - How to Add A Clipboard Function As my blog is about web development, I have decided to add a clipboard feature to allow users to copy and paste the codes easily. Completed Codes Implementation Looking at several possible ways, I decided to use JavaScript's navigator object to implement this due to its easy implementation and not requiring any additional configurations. We just need to call the necessary function under the navi..
tstory - Multi-Lingual Blog (Poster Skin) Completed Codes English Blog Code - Changing Language ▶ English Post Common Style ▶ Skin Editor (CSS) .category_list>li:nth-of-type(even) { display: none; } Creating Buttons to Change Languages ▶ Korean Post ▶ English Post ※ Note that the address for each post should be changed to a matching pair. Background When I started blogging, I made two separate blogs with separate platforms for English (..
