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Robots.txt Most web browsers use crawling to index web pages to easily find the pages and show them in the search result. robots.txt is a text file that defines the list of sites that can access or cannot access the page to prevent possible overload or malicious attacks (However, there are other ways to access the page even if the page is listed in tobots.txt such as when the page is linked to another page..
GTM (Triggering) - Click Getting an Element from the Site On the target element on the page, right click and select 'inspect' Right click the element that is being highlighted In the development tool Select 'Copy' -> 'Copy selector' Tag Manager Set Up Adding a New Trigger In the container, go to 'trigger' -> 'new' Click the configuration box -> 'all elements' Select 'some clicks' -> 'Choose built-in variable' Select 'Cl..
Relational DB - Getting Data including Data from Other Entities (Repository Pattern) Let's see how we can get data from a primary entity that has reference to other entities Implementation Creating an Application How to create .NET web-API Setting up development tools When working with .NET, we need tools to create a web application. We can download them in the link below.다. .NET | Free. Cross-platform. Open Source. (microsoft.com) .NET | Free. Cross-platform. Open Source. .NET ..
React - Creating a Template When you create a react app there are many unnecessary files that come with it. I find it easier just to delete them all and add what is necessary. I will show you how Completed Template In case you just want the completed file right away. Here you go App.js function App() { return ( Test ) } export default App index.js import React, { StrictMode } from "react"; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/c..
프로젝트 템플릿 만들기 리액트 애플리케이션을 생성하면 기본적으로 생성된 폴더들이 있는데요. 불필요한 폴더들을 삭제하고 기본 템플릿을 만들어 보겠습니다. 완성된 템플릿 불필요한 파일을 제거하고 완성된 템플릿은 아래와 같습니다 App.js function App() { return ( Test ) } export default App index.js import React, { StrictMode } from "react"; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client' import App from './App' import './index.css' const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root')) root.render( ) 앱 구조 먼저..
[구글태그] 전환설정 - 클릭 수동으로 클릭이벤트 전환을 설정하는 방법을 보겠습니다. 전환생성 구글애즈 전환 설정하기 구글애즈에서 전환은 웹사이트 방문 고객이 웹사이트에서 취하는 행동 중 광고주에게 의미 있는 행동(주로 구매 등 금전적 이익을 주는 행동?)을 의미합니다. 구글애즈에 전환설정으로 광고를 jin-co.tistory.com 사이트에서 원하는 요소 선택값 가져오기 원하는 요소를 우 클릭하고 '검사' 선택 열린 개발자 도구 창에 음영으로 표시된 요소를 다시 우클릭 'Copy' -> 'Copy JS path' 선택으로 복사 이벤트 추가 예시에서 복사한 요소에 document.querySelector("#root > footer > nav > ul > li:nth-child(2) > svg") 이벤트를 추가합니다 .addEvent..
GTM (Triggering) - Scroll Adding a New Trigger In the container, go to 'workspace' -> 'tags' -> 'new' Click the 'tag configuration' box Select 'Google Ads conversion tracking' Enter the ‘Conversion ID’ and ‘Conversion label’ (To check conversion ID and label, click here, If you are missing a conversion linker, follow this instruction) Then click ‘Triggering’ box at the bottom (you can also set this in the previous page) ..
Google Tag Manager - Reusing Tags and Triggers If you need to set up multiple conversions from the same Google Ads account, you can use the copy feature to avoid repatitive configurations Implementation Copying a tag or a trigger is similar across all types of tags. So I tage conversion tag as an example here. Copying Tags In the GTM account, 'workspace' -> 'tag' -> Select a tag to copy Click the three dots icon on the top right -> Select 'c..
