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GA4 - Account, Property set up GA4 is a new version of Google Analytics. It is a great tool to track website traffic and capture events to better optimize your website for you users. Today, we are going to see how to set up a GA4 account and property. Unlike UA, its predecessor, there are three layers in GA4 when it comes to an account: Account (business) -> Property (website) - Data Stream (website) Account The account repre..
Toggle button with CSS Let’s make a toggle button with HTML and CSS Implementation Option 1 HTML CSS /* toggle */ label { height: 30px; width: 60px; border-radius: 30px; } input { display: none; } input:checked + span { background-color: gray; } input:checked + span::before { left: 30px; } .toggle-circle { height: 100%; width: 100%; display: block; border-radius: 30px; transition: 0.4s ease; border: 1px solid black; p..
Audience, Segment You can add a certain type of audiences to target them in a remarketing campaign. Audiences can be created in Google Analytics or in Google Ads. Let’s see how. GA4 Click ‘Admin’ under the bottom left corner then select ‘Audiences’ under Property ‘All Users’ and ‘Purchaser’ are provided by default. Click ‘New audience’ Here, you can either create from scratch or use a template. 1. Start from Scra..
Google Ads Remarketing Campaign setup With Google Ads remarketing, it is possible to target a customer who visited the site or target a specific cagetory of customers when the customers search on Google or associated browsers. How to Create a Re Marketing Campaign Click ‘New campaign’ Choose a goal Check conversions (optional) - to remove, select the three dots on the right Select a campaign type Then create a campaign as you normal..
Countdown with CSS Let’s see how to implement a countdown using CSS animation Implementation HTML Add numbers to countdown as needed 1 2 3 Go CSS Use CSS animation delay to show the counter in order. /* count */ .count { height: 50px; width: 50px; position: relative; margin: auto; overflow: hidden; } .count .num { height: 40px; position: absolute; bottom: -5px; left: 50%; transform-origin: bottom; transform: trans..
API (Application Programming Interface) The API acts as a middle man between the client and server. It allows you to share only necessary data in a secure way and for that many companies use API to share data. API 형식 RESTful API (suggested by Roy Fielding https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roy_Fielding) There are a various ways of transferring data (HTTP, FTP,…) and this can cause incompatibility between the devices. RESTful API is to foll..
Asynchronous VS Synchronous Understanding the differences between Asynchronous and Synchronous models in programming is crucial. Synchronous, also referred to as a blocking-model or single-thread operation, handles things in order so when a task is handled other tasks have to wait their turn. On the other hand, Asynchronous, non-blocking-model or multi-thread operation, handles thing independently allowing multiple tasks a..
Docker - Installation To run your application globally, there are many things we have to set up from matching versions between each environment and configurations. Docket is a tool that allows us to manage the application in a container with all the necessary configurations. Docker is similar to a virtual machine in a sense that they both run on a virtual environment indepentantly from the major OS but docker runs on..
