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How to create .NET web-API Setting up development tools When working with .NET, we need tools to create a web application. We can download them at the link below. .NET | Free. Cross-platform. Open Source. (microsoft.com) .NET | Free. Cross-platform. Open Source. .NET is a developer platform with tools and libraries for building any type of app, including web, mobile, desktop, games, IoT, cloud, and microservices. dotnet.m..
Adding Relation to DB Entity framework makes adding a relationship between tables easy. Let's see how it is done. Creating an Application First, let's create a .NET application. How to create a .NET web-API application (tistory.com) How to create .NET web-API Setting up development tools When working with .NET, we need tools to create a web application. We can download them in the link below.다. .NET | Free. Cross-pla..
Auto Migration and Data Seeding When you download a .NET application for the first time and try to run the project, you might face a problem running the project if you don't seed the data first. Entity Framework provides an easy way to create a database when setting up the project after downloading. Creating an Application First, let's create a .NET application. How to create a .NET web-API application (tistory.com) How to cre..
Server Architecture - Distributing Projects Server Structure An interface is a middleman between the browser and the server. It sends a request to a server and handles the response from it. The interface has a dependency on the infrastructure which also has a dependency on the application core project that defines things that are specific to the project such as business logic hence has no dependency on any other project. Implementation 1...
Working with SQLite in .NET (Code first) There are two ways of using the Entity Framework to connect a database to a project. One way is to create the database first which is called the database first approach and the other, of course, is to write code first which is called the code first approach. In this writing, we will see the second approach. HTML 삽입 미리보기할 수 없는 소스
VS Code [Extention] - Sqlite Unlike VS, VS Code does not have native features like accessing a database let alone manipulating the data in the database. However, VS Code comes with lots of extensions that make VS Code so powerful yet compact. Sqlite is one of which extensions that we can use to not only see but also manipulate Sqlite data in VS Code. Extension Installation Open VS Code and go to the extension menu then type..
웹 3 프로젝트 배포 세상에 공짜는 없죠. 웹 3 애플리케이션이 인터넷 컴퓨터환경에서 배포되고 운영되기 위해서는 사이클이라 것이 사용하는데요 사이클을 구매하기 위해서는 ICP토큰이라는 인터넷 통화가 필요합니다. 토큰을 얻는 방법은 다양하지만 배포를 위해 가장 저렴한 방법인 디피니티에서 제공하는 무료 사이클 쿠폰을 통해 프로젝트를 배포해 보겠습니다. 먼저, 아래 링크를 통해 디피니티 사이클 배급소로 갑니다. 열린 페이지에서 'Request Cycles'를 선택하고 디스코드 커뮤니티로 이동합니다. 서버의 룰 존중서약 후 '#cycles-faucet' 챗에서 쿠폰을 요청합니다. 요청 후 선발되면 운영진으로부터 챗을 통해 디스코드를 통해 설문 링크가 오며 쿠폰을 받기 위해서는 설문에 참가합니다. 설문을 완료하고 운영진에게 설문 완료..
GTM Container export/import Google Tag Manager has a feature to export and import items from one another. This feature is especially great when you have websites with a similar (or the same) structure as you can export items such as tags and triggers created in one container to another. Let's how it is used. Implementation First, we have to export items from a container. Export Log in to the account -> 'Admin' -> 'Export C..
