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Marketing and SEO/Google Tags

Google Tags Set Up - Iamweb


To get data from your Google products such as Google Ads and Google Analytics, we need something to link the site and your Google product. Google tags fills the gap and allows us not only to get data but alose to send events and conversions.


The way to insert the tags differ from one site to another and in this writing, we will see how we can set up the Google tags in Iamweb (one of the most popular CMS in Korea)


Iamweb only allows external script on paid version. If you are using a free version you cannot use extensions nor insert an external script.


In the admin page go to 'settings' -> 'SEO, header setting'

Find 'Header Code' and insert the tag.

Google Tags List



Google Tags - How to add GTM Tag to A Site

For Google Tag Manager(GTM) to be able to get data from a site, we need to insert GTM tag to the site. Let's see how it is done. Implementation Open your GTM account and click the container Id that starts with 'GTM-' on the top right A modal will pop up. C


How to validate the tags?


[Google Tags] - How to Check Implemented Tags

To get the data from a site to Google products. We need to a way to connect them somehow. Google global tag or GTM tag serves the purpose. But how can we make sure that it is actually implemented or other tags like conversions work fine? Let's see how Ther


So far, we have seen how to implement Google tags in Iamweb.




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