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Infinite Scrolling When developing a website there comes many occasions when you need to populate a page with a list of images or items. Since the screen is finite there is a limitation about how much you can show to the user no matter how big the list. Infinite scrolling is a technique that allows you to load a small amount of data when it is needed which can improve the response time from the server. In this wri..
GA4 - Session The session is a storage that can hold information about the actives of users who visited your site. Google Analytics session starts when a user visits your site or opens an app on the fore ground (you can change the option to track background opening as well) Sessions are created when there is no session and persists for 30minutes after the last interaction. How Dose It Work? A session starts w..
GA4 - Report (Acquisition) The acquisition report has three parts: overview, user acquisition, and traffic acquisition. This report provides information about how users find your site. How The Data is Collected Data is collected by the unit of a user. Each user can have multiple sessions and Each session can have multiple events. Users are diffentiated by reporting ID. A major differenct between the user acquisition and t..
GA4 - Report(Users) 1. Demographic Report The demographic report, by default, only shows regional information. To show additional information such as the age and gender, you have to turn on Google Signal Overview Details Provides a more detailed information by dimentions You can choose one of the dimensions below (or add customized dimensions) Default metrics are as follows: ▶ User (Auto) The total number of active..
Angular - How to Use HTTPS in Development Angular, by default, uses 'HTTP' to run the server in development mode. There is a package called 'mkcert' that provides an easy way to set up a certificate and use 'HTTPS' in a local environment. Setting up mkcert Open the command line as an administrator. Run the appropriate command depending on your OS. ▶ Window choco install mkcert Installing a Certificate Open the project and create a folde..
앵귤러 - 로컬에서 인증 URL (HTTPS) 사용하기 개발환경에서 앵귤러 애플리케이션을 구동하면 기본적으로 http 프로토콜을 사용합니다. mkcert라는 라이브러리를 활용하여 인증서를 설치하고 로컬환경에서 https를 사용하는 방법을 보겠습니다. mkcert 설치 관리자권한으로 커맨드라인을 열고 OS환경에 따라 mkcert를 설치하기 위한 커맨드를 실행합니다. ▶ 윈도우 choco install mkcert 인증서 설치 앵귤러 프로젝트에서 인증서를 저장할 폴더를 만들고 cd client mkdir ssl 해당 폴더로 이동한 뒤 cd ssl 아래 명령어를 실행하여 CA(Certificate Authority)를 설치합니다. mkcert -install 인증서를 사용할 서버를 지정합니다. mkcert localhost 완료되면 아래처럼 인증서의 위치, 키, ..
앵귤러 폼 - 리액티브 폼 앵귤러 리액티브 폼은 옵저버블을 활용하여 폼에 입력되는 값을 스트림의 형태로 관리하며, 새로운 값이 입력될 때마다 이를 감지하고 반영합니다. 템플릿 드리븐 폼과 차이점은 리액티브 폼은 저장된 데이터를 동기식으로 처리하고 원본데이터에 대한 변형이 불가하며 옵저버블의 오퍼레이터를 통해서만 가능합니다. 앵귤러 리액티브 폼을 사용하는 방법을 보겠습니다. HTML 삽입 미리보기할 수 없는 소스
Angular Forms - Reactive Form Angular reactive forms uses observables to manage input data in a stream. Unlike the template-driven forms, reactive forms handles the data synchronously and uses operators to manipulate data as a copy but do not change the orginal data Let's see how to use itList of Contents" data-ke-type="html">HTML 삽입미리보기할 수 없는 소스 Implementaion Using Form Control Only ..
